I have loved food my entire life...and for nearly seventeen years, I loved it entirely too much.
Imprisoned by the shackles of bulimia-which practically killed me and yanked me and my dance career from the "Great Stage" I was dancing on at the time-I obsessed about food, my body, the scale, etc.
Today I work hard to maintain the recipe of recovery that continues to provide me happiness and serenity. Some days I have to add a bit more of this or that, but recovery mainly comes down to the same basic ingredients.
Having been in recovery for years, I know that recovery truly is about progress, not perfection. My eating disorder and recovery has set the stage for my life today: working as an eating disorder therapist. Moreover, I'm about to make my debut as an author, publishing a memoir about my battle with bulimia while dancing professionally in NYC. I feel so fortunate to get to work in the ED field and help others daily by spreading the message of recovery.
My blog is about much more than food and the juxtaposed obsessions; it's about life and how to live it. Change and recovery is possible!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that my memoir, Something Spectacular: The True Story of a Rockette's Battle with Bulimia, will be released online May 29th! Check out a preview on Amazon.com or B&N.com :)
Hi Greta, Oddly enough, I stumbled upon your blog today. I'm so excited for your accomplishment--I can't wait to read it. You were one of my favorite people to work with at Renfew--always so inspiring and honest about the struggle that is recovery. Anyway, I just thought I'd drop you a message. Jeni C
YAY!! :) You're awesome.
Hi Greta,
Oddly enough, I stumbled upon your blog today. I'm so excited for your accomplishment--I can't wait to read it. You were one of my favorite people to work with at Renfew--always so inspiring and honest about the struggle that is recovery.
Anyway, I just thought I'd drop you a message.
Jeni C
Thank you for sharing you story. I'd love to read it. You are doing very well now!!! :)
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