[Valid Atom 1.0] Life With Cake: Eating Disorder Blog: Self-love, Eating Disorder Recovery, and Katy Perry

Monday, January 24, 2011

Self-love, Eating Disorder Recovery, and Katy Perry

At my OA Meetings last week, I kept hearing the same message: Self-love is about taking ACTION. Now, I know this already, I mean, it's pretty obvious that HP doesn't just drop the gift of self-love from the sky. WE have to CREATE it through action. In order to create self-love we first have to have the awareness to want to do so.

I stumbled upon a great post on a SELF.com blog which discusses self-love as it pertains to body image. The blogger, Lucy, used Katy Perry's "Firework" song to show we do all have a spark inside, and we should take the actions to let it shine! The problem for many (I used to be one) is that we're so used to (and comfortable with) self-hatred that we are afraid to take action that might actually make us feel better. That is INSANITY! The disease of addiction, body-hatred, self-hatred--whatever dis-ease you feel--is sneaky and wants nothing more for us than to be miserable.

All I need to do to get into right action is to ask myself a few questions:

Is this action going to make me feel good about myself?

How will I feel tomorrow if I do this behavior?

Do I want to hate myself today or love myself?

All are similar, but I have to tell my brain things several different ways in order for it to listen.

Everything in recovery is truly about ACTING your way into right thinking. Everything. In the meeting I went to yesterday, the qualifier mentioned that she turns her actions of recovery over to her sponsor, like she would her food. I love that and will start implementing that TODAY, just for today.

What actions will you take today? Self-hate or Self-love?


Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time commenting :)

I loved this post! I totally needed this today =)


Business Coach said...

I really like Katy Perry, I'm just like loyal fan. :)

Medical Billing Software said...

Self love should be a great way to recover from the state and start feeling confident about the self that you most dislike and start leading a healthy and confident life.

Tiago said...

I agree that self-love is about taking action. Often we just try to use your heads to make ourselves feel better and it just doesn't work!

Doing the things that make us feel good in the physical plane is one of the best ways for us to feel better.

Here's a few self love techniques I've written in case you're interested:

Self Love Techniques

Jen said...

I noticed you mentioned you "stumbled upon" this article. Do you have a stumbleupon! handle? I'd love to see what websites you stumble upon there.

summermelanie said...

I love that you are in OA...I've just recently become very unwilling to be in recovery after 1 1/2 years of abstinence..you might be my way back. Thank you sharing your spirit and light!

Genie123 said...

Would just like to say that I can imagine it is true and I want to believe it is but my brain is so used to believing that I have to be thin to be happy, if i look at my ED and know that it is harming me when I ask myself will I feel happier tomorrow after suffering today my answer is usually yes it was worth it if it stopped me gaining weight. I really want to stop thinking like this but even with my therapy sessions I don't know how, Genie x